Each submission must be original work done by the team during the hackathon. The submission must make a clear distinction between work done before the hackathon and the work done during the hackathon. Only open source templates (the solutions will not contain any copyrighted material or material owned by third parties) have to be used, if part of the work is done before the hackathon.

Intellectual property rights are owned by the participants, including copyright and related rights on their code. However, the ideas and the promotion regarding the concepts can be utilized by the companies. This is applicable to the design and development idea that have been arisen during the hackathon. We strongly encourage the participants to publish their code as open source.

Our hackathon is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of hackathon participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate at any hackathon venue. Please note that the use of alcohol and drugs in the venue are strictly prohibited. Participants shall act with the utmost courtesy and respect for all persons and entities involved in the event. Hackathon participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the hackathon at the discretion of the hackathon organisers.

The criteria for judgement is announced in the website prior to the hackathon. The decision regarding the selection of winners by judges are final. If a participating team wants to make an appeal, they must do so by giving a written explanation and justification of the facts. The main prize will be paid by the Department of Communications and Networking, School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University. It is the winners responsibility to pay any taxes or other fees they may need to.